This is because all Wardens in Orlais have simultaneously begun to hear what they believe to be the call of the Archdemon, the precursor to the Calling. The Warden ally informs the Inquisitor that the situation is dire: all Wardens have been summoned to Orlais by Warden-Commander Clarel in one last desperate attempt to end all Blights forever, but he suspects some form of foul play involving Corypheus. The Warden ally will be Alistair if he remained a Grey Warden, Loghain if he survived the Landsmeet and the Fifth Blight, or Stroud otherwise (Loghain is dead and Alistair is either dead or no longer a Grey Warden). Depending on the player's decisions in Dragon Age: Origins, the Warden ally will be either Alistair, Loghain Mac Tir, or Stroud. Outside of the village of Crestwood, near Three Trout Farm Camp, in a smuggler's den once held by The Blind Men, the Inquisitor will meet Hawke's Warden ally. The Inquisitor may encourage her to join the Wardens or dissuade her (if Solas is in the party, he may help in this process), in which case she will become an agent for the Inquisition. The decision will have an impact later in the quest. Impressed by the Wardens' prowess, Jana will be tempted to join the order, but the Inquisitor has a chance to change her mind. The Inquisitor may locate Jana again in a small house farther along the road.

At the end of the fight they will mention they are hunting a renegade Grey Warden (Hawke's Warden ally), and will leave the scene.

The Inquisitor is likely to meet a pair of Grey Wardens protecting an elven girl named Jana from the undead. The village of Crestwood turns out to be besieged by the undead. Hawke's Grey Warden contact: Stroud, Alistair, or Loghain The Inquisitor must select the war table operation Find the Warden to unlock and travel to Crestwood. The Warden ally is currently in hiding, in Crestwood, and the Inquisitor should travel to meet him. Hawke informs the Inquisitor of having an ally among the Grey Wardens that has more information on the nature of Corypheus and his plans. Varric's friend is Hawke, the former Champion of Kirkwall. The Inquisitor must meet Varric on top of Skyhold's battlements to be introduced. Varric mentions he has a friend that may be able to aid the Inquisition against Corypheus.